To drop or withdraw from a course, Traditional Undergraduate students and Early College students must immediately communicate in writing (email is acceptable) with the Crossroads Office ( regarding intent to drop a class. Traditional Undergraduate students also must immediately complete a withdrawal/drop form and submit it to the Registrar’s office.
Charges will continue to accrue until Crossroads receives written notice of withdrawal from the student. All financial aid and tuition refund policies apply.
Students may drop a course and not have the course appear on their transcript through the first week of the course.
Students may withdraw from a course after one week of the course has transpired through approximately 66% of the course.
For eight-week online courses, students may withdraw through the last class date of Week 5. The course will appear on the on the transcript, and the grade will be listed as WX (withdrawal before judgment could be formed), WP (withdrawal, passing), or WF (withdrawal, failing) as assigned by the course instructor. The grade will not impact the student’s GPA.
Students are not permitted to withdraw from a course after the dates above and will receive the grade assigned by the course instructor.
Additionally, students may request an exemption from standard withdrawal and refund policies when dealing with issues related to natural disasters/emergencies, military service deployment, or a medical withdrawal. Students will need to work with the Student Success Team to have these exceptions approved. (See the “Students Affected by Disasters,” “Military Withdrawal,” and “Medical Withdrawal” sections of this handbook for more details.)